Monday, April 25, 2011


Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a refreshing three day break and is ready to have a solid six weeks as we finish out the school year

Several things to keep in mind ----

1.  You should be turning in the blue sheet at the end of every week.  If you are not doing this I cannot grade any of your postings.

2.  Many of you have not submitted a self created video to your blog yet.  The self created video submissions are a large component of blog construction.  If you do not complete these it will result in your not earning credit for this course. 
        If you have questions about this process please ask.

3.  You also need to interview an "expert" in your area and post the interview as well.  Be thinking about this now so you are not jammed up at the end of the trimester.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Best Sports Movies

It always seems that when the time comes in the spring as hockey season is winding down and I am waiting for NFL draft I find myself watching more sports themed films.  On my short list of favorite sports films I feel that the following would be in my top three:




I welcome your comments and discussion if your opinion might differ

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Movie Review ---- Shutter Island

Over this past weekend I had the opportunity to view the film "Shutter Island".  Based upon the poster and description from the back it appeared to promise a thrilling psychological two hours.  Typically, I am not a fan of jump out of your seat scary movie and I was hoping this would not be the case.  The film centers are around the search for a missing mentally ill patient at a state prison on Shutter Island.  Though there were many psychological scares to be found throughout the film, the movie itself was very predicitable and did not lend itself well to the secrets the island was keeping from its main character and the me the viewer.  The cast centered around Leonardo Dicaprio and Mark Ruffalo as two Maine state investigators.  The setting for the film was very ominous and forbrooding.  I did enjoy the conversation at the end of the film though between Dicaprio and Ruffalo as it asked a very extensional question as to how we should live our life --- As a bad person or die a good man.  Overall I would give the film 3 stars out of 5.  If you are into films like "The Sixth Sense" and "1408" then this would be something you might enjoy.

Trimester Update

There are only a few students who have posted their self created video to their blogsite.  It is your responsiblility to film and post the video.  If you have questions about posting the video to the blog please let me know so I can assist you in this task.  If it is not posted by the end of the week it will begin to lose points!

By now each of should have the light blue handout which states what the class requirements are through the end of the trimester.  If you do not have this handout please ask for one.  It is your responsibility to turn the handout in at the end of each week so your blog can be graded.

Also, there are some of you who have not turned in previous task checklists.  If you do not turn this in, I cannot grade the work you have done on your blog.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is just a reminder that your self created video posting is due by this Wednesday, April 13th!


This is just a reminder that your self created video posting is due by this Wednesday, April 13th!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Over the weekend I had a chance to view the film "Faster".  It stars The Rock, Billy Bob Thornton, and Mike Epps.  I went into the film expecting exactly what I got -- a turn and burn action movie with little to none deep thinking dialogue that allowed for me to just enjoy the experience.  The movie centers around "Driver" played by the Rock, who is trying to avenge the murdur of his brother after he is released from prison.  He travels all over the southwest hunting down everybody who was involved.  Billy Bob Thornton plays the "Cop", a detective who is nearing retirement and doesn't seem to have the respect of anybody on the police force.  While Driver and Cop are doing their dance a third person gets invovled as he has been hired by some outside party to eliminate Driver before he takes out everyone invovled in his brother's death.  Overall I would give this film an 8/10 stars for providing exactly what I was looking for --- a two hour escape!